The SEO Report software is a fantastic solution to optimize the search engine ranking as it provides an understandable report which gives information about the rank of the web page in a search engine and finding the popularity ranking as well as helping the user in his choice of keywords that are more popular and are more useful to the user.
It uses the RSS feeds to stay updated about the various articles and facts about SEO. It assists in attracting the required visitors to the web pages or websites to increase sales. By staying updated through RSS the user can keep an eye on his competitors. The various functionalities provided are checking the rank of the website also finding the popularity of various links, finding the rank of the page , finding new partners and updating the user.
The user may not even come to know about the loss of business due to inadequate attention towards the SEO. The SEO is the most effective way of finding required information and targeting potential customers. In this case the SEO Report software really helps the user get information about his websites and drill down the shortcomings, and weaknesses of the site. It helps monitor incoming links, get the ranking instantly and helps improve it by providing various customizable reports. It considers the various factors of precision and recall for effective information retrieval and ranking of web pages.